Commercial real estate can be a very lucrative investment. Acquiring a coveted piece of investment property can be daunting, however, because of the high costs involved. That’s why many people turn to external financing for their commercial real-estate acquisitions.

Bridge Loans: A Very Brief Explanation

Bridge loans are used in many real estate transactions. They are short-term in nature and meant to “bridge the gap” between property acquisition and the arrival of funds from another source. They can be a real blessing when longer-term forms of financing aren’t expected to be available for a bit of time. A decision on funding is usually made in short order and your money arrives fast.

Examples of Wise Use of Bridge Loans

Here are a few examples of situations for which bridge loans can make sense:

A Sudden Buying Opportunity Comes Up. From time to time, a particularly coveted piece of property comes to market quite suddenly. A bridge loan may be just the option to choose in order to seize the opportunity.

Your Credit Score Is Not Stellar. If your credit record is not top-notch, you may find it difficult to arrange financing from traditional sources. In such a case, a bridge loan can be a good idea.

You Own an Exiting Property in Need of Renovation. For situations where renovation is needed to attract new clients or business partners, and the work can be completed in a short time frame, a bridge loan can be an excellent choice.  

Obtain Funding from Artis Commercial Capital

Bridge loans are easier to obtain than other property financing types such as a loan from a traditional bank. Connect with Artis Commercial Capital for your real estate financing needs. They offer bridge loans, which may be just the ticket for your real estate investment plans.